Dreaming of a change? Bring it to reality in 2024.
Here we are in a new year. I know we are all wondering if this is the year, the year I'll make a lot of money, get the perfect job, or meet the perfect person, and while we wonder we daydream.
Daydreaming can be a dress rehearsal for what we want, and every change starts with a daydream. Our next step is to decide how much we want it. Is it an indulgent daydream? or is it something you really want to attract into your life? Now is the time to ask yourself those questions. Daydreaming can cause you to drift through weeks and years, attaining and achieving nothing.
It is only when you decide to act that you can begin to bring it into your reality.
If it is something you truly desire yet it is still a daydream, you have to ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do I feel safer when it's just a daydream and out of my reach?
2. Has this been a daydream for so long that I have become fearful of the reality?
3. Do I even know where to start with this? What is my first step?
And if you do decide this is what you want, here are my three tips to move forward:
1. Get crystal clear and whether you want this to be real or not.
2. To achieve this goal, put a small plan together and break it down into small achievable steps.
3. Stay grounded and support your well-being while you are going through this transition.
As a Coach I know bringing a daydream into reality can be a scary business, however spending years daydreaming can be a scarier one and so much time can be lost. It can also be hard to know if this dream is true for you or not, however if you don’t investigate you will never know.
Taking action can require support and direction and I can provide you with that. If any of this resonates with you and you have been wishing or yearning for something in your life and yet unsure of it, I can help you. I can bring you to that place of clarity within, where you can be really clear that this is what you want or replace it with something better.